The Moon Tree by Lois Cordelia Buelow-Osborne
Somewhere along the way, life lost its magic. I abandoned Beauty, who had always been good to me, and instead shacked up with Truth, a spiteful whore who framed me for the deaths of Santa and Jesus and left me alone in a stark, cheerless universe with no way out.

Fuck this. I've had enough. Time to make my own magic.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Taking Stock, Cleaning House

I went back through the old posts to see what still holds true and what doesn't.  So far, I have taken the Celtic names off the holidays and decided to stop keeping up with the actual astronomical dates in favor of a static list.  I rarely celebrate the holidays anyway, and I am by no means a Celtic Reconstructionist Pagan or Wiccan.  I still think the wheel of the year makes for a good holiday schedule, and if I feel the need to celebrate, I'll probably still use the Celtic names when inviting people to said celebrations or inviting myself to someone else's.  Which brings up the question:  What are YOU doing for Litha?  If there is food and/or liquor involved, count me in.

Caedo's Model of Truth still works, but I am less comfortable than ever about my dippy label choices.

To summarize 2009-2010, I spent most of that time trying to define my belief system or dharma.  I started out as a Mormon and have since browsed the basic tenets of various religions without finding any with which I want to identify.  The animistic and spiritistic (yeah, that's totally not a word) systems, e.g. Shamanism, Voudou/Ifa, Shinto, and Kebatinan, are the ones that appeal to me the most.  Buddhism and Hinduism are nice to visit, but I don't want to live there, as both are too philosophically confining for me.  I'm sure that many Buddhists and Hindus would find that hard to believe, but that's what I think.

The Return

Welcome back, you!  And by "you," I mean "me."  It's been almost two years since the last post*, but I've been busy.  Got divorced, slipped a few notches on the socioeconomic ladder, painfully restructured my entire life, went on a date that somehow lasted eight months, and finished up by hurting someone that didn't deserve it.  All in all, I think it's time to reflect more and interact less, at least for a while.

*I actually removed most of the previous posts because I felt they didn't offer anything in the way of substance or insight.  That implies that the ones that I left do, but I'll leave that up to the reader.